COVID Safety Plan


During the COVID-19 pandemic we are taking additional steps to make sure everyone can stay healthy and safe when we visit your home or workplace

It is very important that you inform us in advance if anyone in your household or workplace is unwell, or self-isolating because they are at risk of becoming unwell, with COVID-19.

Unfortunately, due to strict public health requirements we will be unable to attend if anyone in your household or workplace is unwell or in self-isolation. We will of course treat this information in strict confidence and will be happy to reschedule your appointment for another time.

This document outlines the guidelines Sort it Now has implemented when working with clients face to face during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this document is to ensure client safety and our safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This document does not replace Government or health advice regarding COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that this document will always be up to date in reflecting current Government and health advice. 

Please visit the Australian Department of Health website for more information and current alerts about COVID-19, for the latest information on restrictions in Victoria, visit

This document will be regularly reviewed in accordance with advice and subsequently may change without notice.  We encourage you to view this document before each scheduled face to face session and the actions you can also take.

It is important to us to be able to continue to provide our regular service to you and if you have any concerns or questions regarding information in this document, please contact Nicola Evans on 1300 2 SORT IT (1300 276 784) or email at





Sort it Now


Client/User of Services

Face to Face

In the client’s home, workspace or in another location where the client and we are in close contact

Close Contact

More than 15 minutes face-to-face contact in any setting with a confirmed (or probable) case in the period from 48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed (or probable) case.


Sharing a closed space with a confirmed (or probable) case for a prolonged period (e.g. more than 2 hours) in the period extending from 48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed (or probable) case.

Pre-Session Checks

Your Responsibilities

Before a face to face session is scheduled, it is advised that clients inform Sort it Now if they are more at risk/vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, for example:

  • People over the age of 60
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people over the age of 50
  • Those with listed chronic health conditions such as
    • Chronic renal failure
    • Coronary heart disease
    • Chronic lung disease
  • People at any age with significant immunosuppression

Clients should also advise if they are allergic/sensitive to alcohol-based hand sanitisers.

Before a Scheduled Face to Face Session

Our Responsibilities

Sort it Now will reschedule a face to face appointment if:

    • We (or a person in our household) have a fever, or any symptoms of acute respiratory illness e.g. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion.
    • We (or a person in our household) have been diagnosed with or had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19.
    • We (or a person in our household) returned from overseas or interstate travel or are otherwise in self-isolation or self-quarantine within the last 14 days of the scheduled face to face session.

Should we (or a person in our household) experience a fever or acute symptoms of respiratory illness (such as those outlined above), would seek medical advice and when safe to do so reschedule the face to face appointment.

Your Responsibilities

The client must advise us of the following before a face to face session commences:

  • If you, a person in your household, or a person who will be present in the home/workplace during service, have a fever, or any symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion).
  • If you, a person in your household/workplace, or a person in the home/workplace during service have been diagnosed with or had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19.
  • If you, somebody you live with, or someone who will be present in the home/workplace returned from overseas or interstate travel or are otherwise in self-isolation or self-quarantine within the last 14 days of the scheduled face to face session.

Where the client advises of the above, the face to face session will be cancelled. If a face to face session is cancelled, we will offer either a virtual organising session as a replacement (where appropriate) or reschedule when safe to do so.

During Face to Face Session

Our Responsibilities

Use alcohol-based hand sanitisers 

    • Upon entering the client’s home or workplace 
    • Before and regularly whilst touching the client’s possessions
    • After coughing, sneezing or going to the toilet 

Practise good sneezing and coughing hygiene by

    • covering our coughs and sneezes with our elbow or a tissue 
    • put used tissues straight into the bin

Wear a face mask during the session when required by Department of Health or upon client request particularly when clients in vunerable/at risk category.

Avoid touching eyes, nose & mouth

Apply physical distancing

    • During the session keep a 1.5-meters distance from the client where possible 
    • Not engage in any physical greeting such as handshaking

Wear disposable gloves when it’s considered appropriate to do so

Your Responsibilities

During the face to face session, we request that you:

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, including

    • before and after eating
    • after going to the toilet
    • after coughing and sneezing

Use alcohol-based hand sanitisers, where required

Practise good sneezing and coughing hygiene by

    • covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
    • put used tissues straight into the bin

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Where possible disinfect work area surfaces

Where possible, increase the amount of airflow by opening windows or adjusting the air conditioning

Apply physical distancing where possible

    • During the session remain 1.5-meters away where possible
    • Stay clear of doors and to allow 1.5-meters distance upon us entering and exiting the property

Avoid the presence of others or household members in the work area during the session

Wear a face mask when required by Department of Health unless lawful exception applies

If it is identified that the above measures aren’t taking place Sort it Now may end the face to face session without notice.

At the End of a Face to Face Session

Our Responsibility

The following actions will be taken by Sort it Now at the end of the session:

Sanitise hands

Clean and disinfect frequently touched items in toolkit or other items used during a session

Confirmed COVID-19 Case or Close Contact

Our Responsibilities

The following actions will be taken by Sort it Now if we have been diagnosed with or had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19:

Keep notes of client session dates and times to assist with contact tracing if we test positive to COVID-19. We may be required to provide your contact details to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to assist with contact tracing. Please advise us if you have any concerns with us providing your contact details to DHHS.

We will advise you if we have been diagnosed with or had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19. Please let us know if there is anyone else you would like us to contact. You may also be contacted by the DHHS.

If we become diagnosed with COVID-19 we will undertake cleaning and disinfection of both our office, toolkit and car.

Resume face to face sessions only when it safe to do so.

Your Responsibilities

To protect us, other Sort it Now clients and the wider community we request that you advise us of the following:

If you, a person in your household, or a person who was present during our face to face session gets a fever, or any symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion) within 48 hours of our last face to face session.

If you, a person in your household, or a person in the home during service have been diagnosed with or had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 within 48 hours of our face to face session.